Converge: The Business of Creativity Podcast with Dane Sanders

Jeremie Kubicek on Calling People Up in Leadership

Episode Summary

Jeremie Kubicek joins us on this episode to discuss his new book and platform The 100x Leader: How to Become Someone Worth Following. Jeremine is the co-founder of Giant Worldwide. If you want to learn more, his book is available for purchase on, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Additionally, Jeremie has two other books called Five Voices and Five Gears that are briefly mentioned in this episode.

Episode Notes

Tension Between Challenge and Support

Jeremie discusses with us how there is a time when you need challenge, but there is also a time when you need support. As a leader and an individual, it can be hard finding that balance point between the two.  When you find it, you're able to create an intentional transfer of knowledge, wisdom, and skills. In there, you have to find the balance between served and leading to be able to both challenge and support others.


The Five Circles of Influence

The fives circles of influence are ourself, family, team, organization, and community.  To be successful in these areas, you have to start with yourself.  It looks like beginning to audit and evaluate your choices. Something as simple as choosing water over soda can be a step towards creating the you you want to be. Before you can move past yourself to others, you have to examine how others see your interactions with them. Do they know that you're for them, did they see that you're against them, or do they believe that you're for yourself?


Intentional Living

Most of the world lives accidentally. They make choices without evaluating what the outcome is to more than just themselves. Sometimes, you have to look at a situation and do unto someone else what they would want done to themselves. The way Jeremie explains that is through sharing about a coach who talks with his players. Sure, the coach doesn't want or need a hug in that situation, but that doesn't mean that the player doesn't.  Being intentional can look like evaluating the situation in a way that makes others see that you are for them and for their success. As a leader, it looks like leading but serving at the same time through intentional actions.