Converge: The Business of Creativity Podcast with Dane Sanders

Bob Burg on Being a Go-Giver To Provide Great Value For Huge Profits

Episode Summary

Providing great value is something lots of people these days talk about, but few people really know what it means – or how to accomplish it. Today s guest is not one of those people. In fact, he s written the book on how to practically provide the kind of value to customers, clients, and prospective customers [...]

Episode Notes

Bob Burg Interview

Providing great value is something lots of people these days talk about, but few people really know what it means – or how to accomplish it. Today s guest is not one of those people. In fact, he s written the book on how to practically provide the kind of value to customers, clients, and prospective customers that motivates them to give you their money to get it from you. Bob Burg is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences. He shares stage with everyone from today s business leaders and broadcast personalities to former U.S. Presidents. Bob is the author of a number of books on sales, marketing and influence, with total book sales of well over a million copies. And on this episode of Converge you re going to hear from the master teacher how focusing on the creation of great value for your customers will lead to great profits for you.

When you focus on giving great value, great value comes back to you.

It s not some hocus pocus to think that giving great value brings the same to you in return, it s just common sense. The free enterprise system is designed to make the most of that reality. When you provide something that is of high enough value that another is willing to pay you the amount of money you ask in order to get it, you both win. That s how sales should always work. Bob Burg shares how the Go-giver principles work in business today and how many people are changing the way their services and business profits work by applying them. You re going to get a lot of value from this conversation – and you wouldn t expect anything less from Bob, would you?

You may need to rethink what selling really is.

The concept may people have of sales as pushy or trying to convince you to buy something you don t really want or need, is all wrong. Bob Burg says so. His contention is that sales is supposed to be a win-win scenario for both parties involved. One party gets the thing they want or need and the other is generously compensated for providing it. On this episode Bob helps us hit the reset button on how we think about sales so that we can shift our focus to giving over the top service and experiences to our customers, which in turn cranks up the dial on the profits we are able to receive from them as compensation.

If providing great value brings profit, how do you get more profit?

The answer is simple: provide that same great value to more and more people. It s called scaling – arranging your business so that you re able to make your great product or service available to more people who want the value it provides. It s the intuitive and natural way to build your income on the back of generosity in serving your customers or clients, and it works every time. Bob Burg is an example of generosity as he walks us through the 5 laws contained in his new book, The Go Giver, and you can hear it on this episode of Converge.

Once you know how to provide value, are you ready to receive it in return?

The final law of success that Bob Burg outlines in his book, The Go Giver is the law of RECEPTIVITY. His premise is that if you are willing to provide value to your customers and/or clients, you have to understand that the natural outgrowth of that action is going to be that you receive a great deal of profit in return. Are you ready to jettison some old beliefs surrounding money and profit to receive the blessings that come from being so generous in the first place? It may sound strange to say but on this episode Bob walks through what it takes to learn how to receive as compensation for providing great value. Your life and business may never be the same once you learn to apply this principle. And that s not hype.

Outline of this great episode

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