Converge: The Business of Creativity Podcast with Dane Sanders

Rockie Lee on Why Relationships Need Clarity More Than Answers

Episode Summary

Relationship questions plague all of us from time to time. Whether you re married or single looking for your soul mate, this episode is for you. Rockie is the founder and Lead Coach for who s main focus and mission is to help all fall in love and be happy. His mission is to see all [...]

Episode Notes

Rockie Lee- Converge Podcast

Relationship questions plague all of us from time to time. Whether you re married or single looking for your soul mate, this episode is for you. Rockie is the founder and Lead Coach for who s main focus and mission is to help all fall in love and be happy. His mission is to see all people fall in love, in their relationships, with their dreams, and with life. The sole purpose of is not to fix problems but instead, it is about helping people who are experiencing struggles with their relationships, resistance with their dreams and confusion in their life, REINVENT and REDESIGN their way of life so they can experience the joy, satisfaction and purpose they have dreamed of. Rockie is also the author of the forthcoming books, THE RIGHT FIT: Finding Real Love for Singles and Tailored Fit: Designing Real Love for Couples and host of the Clarity Coach Podcast on Relationships and Life.

Relationship Questions? You Could Use A Clarity Coach.

Rockie Lee didn t first set out to be a relationship coach. But what he saw in his chosen profession – that of a youth pastor – pointed him in the direction and he was wise enough to start walking. It s an example of the perceptive skills creatives often use to notice the real need behind the needs they see at first, an opportunity that could provide incredible help to many others. As Rockie met more and more kids who were wrecked as a result of the devastation happening at home he realized that he could have a greater impact by stepping into the relationships that are foundational to a healthy family – marriages. In this conversation, I go deep with Rockie to uncover what happens in his clarity coaching sessions and how the relationship questions of singles and couples often resolve themselves when clarity is achieved.

Rockie Lee s story shows how creatives often pivot a passion into a profitable business.

It s one thing to love your craft, to be passionate about creating and expressing your creativity in a particular area. It s quite another to turn that passion into a means to provide a living for yourself and your family. As I spoke with my friend Rockie Lee, I noticed that his deep passion to help young people pointed him in a direction where he wasn t directly working with young people – and THAT is where his passion truly came alive. Intrigued? You should be. It s what can happen when you keep your eyes open and refuse to force your passion into too small a box, and Rockie s story demonstrates how it can work out to great benefit for everyone involved. I hope you ll listen to his story. He s a great guy who is doing incredible things in the world. How could his story inspire yours?

What s the difference between going to a counselor and going to a relationship coach?

It may seem like apples and apples to you but Rockie Lee is convinced that his role as a clarity coach is worlds apart from that of a counselor or therapist. The wonderful work that those professionals do is aimed at uncovering unresolved issues or wounds from the past and moving the client on a path toward healing. Rockie says his work is to help individuals and couples gain clarity about the purpose of the high-level relationships in their lives and begin to live consistent with those goals. You ll gain an incredible amount of insight from this conversation as Rockie unpacks how clarity coaching provides the kind of insight that is changing marriages and establishing healthy new relationships for singles, so be sure you listen.

The natural questions singles have about relationships could use some clarity, don t you think?

As I wrapped up a great conversation with my friend Rockie Lee, he told me one of his favorite real-life stories of how clarity coaching helped a single woman who was looking for love unpack the questions she had about relationships. Rockie s unique approach to uncovering what lies behind the questions helped her realize that a man she d just begun dating was indeed the guy she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. And it happened through the clarity that comes from focusing on the goals of the relationship itself, which Rockie calls the 3rd person in the relationship. It makes perfect sense once you hear Rockie explain it, so take the time to listen.

Outline of this great episode


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