Converge: The Business of Creativity Podcast with Dane Sanders

Theresa Christine on How to Pursue an Adventurous Life in the Midst of Normal

Episode Summary

It only takes one Google search to find hundreds, maybe even thousands of people telling you to pursue an adventurous life. Many of them define that as a lifestyle that abandons the normal things of life like a career and a stable home environment in exchange for a nomadic approach to life. But what if [...]

Episode Notes

It only takes one Google search to find hundreds, maybe even thousands of people telling you to pursue an adventurous life. Many of them define that as a lifestyle that abandons the normal things of life like a career and a stable home environment in exchange for a nomadic approach to life. But what if you don t want to abandon those things, but still want adventure to be a regular part of your life? Theresa Christine can help you. It s what she does.

This episode of Converge highlights the tension between the desire many of us feel to fuel your wanderlust and maintain stability at the same time. Dane chats with Theresa about why the digital nomad lifestyle is not the only option – and why it shouldn t be, as well as a host of other tangential topics aimed at helping you feed your own desire for adventure no matter where you are in life. Please take the time to listen.

The options today are limitless. How do you choose the best path for yourself?

The connected nature of life these days that technology provides puts an entire world of opportunities and insights at everyone s fingertips. If you want to know something or learn how to do something, it s only a screen away. In such a vast supermarket of ideas, how do you choose the ones that best fit you and actually lead to the kind of life you want?

You might need a guide – and Theresa Christine has proven herself to be one worthy of consideration. In this conversation, you ll hear her story: growing up in the south, moving to the Big Apple, and finding herself drawn to a slower pace of life but still feeling the longing for a life of adventure. She began blogging about her struggle while exploring what it means to adventure, and in doing so has become an experienced fellow traveler who is a bit farther down the road that most of us – which makes her advice spot-on most of the time.

You hear all the time that anyone can travel. Here s why that attitude irritates Theresa

You ll hear it in the first few minutes of almost any travel blog or vlog: Anyone can travel. But Theresa says it simply isn t true. Real life often places real demands on us: we care for an elderly parent or are beset by a debilitating handicap or illness. For those of us in those shoes, it’s frustrating to listen to such sweeping claims.

But even in those situations, there are still ways to experience a life of adventure, you just have to rethink what adventure really is and how it can fit into your everyday experience. This is a truth Theresa has discovered along her own path and she specializes in helping others work it out in their own lives. Listen to this conversation – perhaps you ll find a kindred spirit in Theresa. Maybe you’ll find a guide.

Advice to creators: Produce things so valuable that your audience becomes your ideal client

You only have to read Theresa s blog – Tremendous Times – to discover that she has a talent for providing tremendous value to a very particular audience. Anybody who loves travel but doesn t necessarily have the time or ability to travel themselves will love her recaps and highlights of the periodic trips she takes. Her writing appeals to that particular set of readers because she understands the unique place where a desire to experience the world seems to conflict with the responsibilities of everyday life.

Theresa refers to these people – her target readers – as ideal clients. Her business philosophy is simple: Provide things of such amazing value to your basic reader that they will stand in line to get what you create when there is actually something for sale. It s a slow process to build on that philosophy, but one that has proven to be successful and scalable.

Pursue what you want to pursue, knowing failure will be involved

In a world where almost everybody publishes some form of a Facebook face or Instagram image that only highlights the good things in life, it s easy to think that you re the only one who struggles or experiences setbacks. Theresa wants you to know it s not true. Every path she s pursued has had its share of setbacks and failures. It s that way for everyone. Knowing that helps you muster up the courage to pursue what you want to pursue in spite of the difficulty because if somebody has done it before, you can too. Theresa hopes to serve her readers/ideal clients as an example of someone who’s taking the journey in spite of her failures.

Outline of this great episode

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode

Theresa Christine s Resources

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